Welcome to our Online Museum
More items are being added to our collections in digital formats which the museum exhibits on video screens or sound systems. As we have limited screens in the museum, these videos are also displayed here. While you can’t quite appreciate the size of our four lifeboats you get a feel for their histories and restoration, and see more of the museum.
If viewing in full-screen mode, you will need to use your ‘Escape’ key at the end of each video to exit to normal screen view. You can also view these videos on our YouTube channel.
Sheringham – history and development
An interesting general video about the history and development of Sheringham over 150 years or so.
Sheringham Lifeboats
Sheringham has a long history with lifeboats and our collection includes four of them – all of which served the town. Tony Sadler, who was involved in their collection and restoration, has some stories to tell….
Olive Edis – an Introduction
Olive Edis was a woman ahead of her time – a professional photographer, businesswoman, adventurous traveller, lecturer, a friend of fishermen and kings and much more.
The John Craske Story
The story of the life of John Craske, fisherman and artist, is told via images and song in this six-minute video. He was born in Sheringham and endured a very hard life, but has left a beautiful legacy. Watch this to get the details!
Sheringham’s Fishing Boats
Tony Sadler talks about the Museum’s collection of fishing boats, locally built with design features that made them ideal for North Norfolk conditions.
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Your donation will go towards archival housing of artefacts and conservation work required to keep them in the best possible condition.
Please click the button to donate. Thank you.